After a car accident, you may be wondering who will pay your medical bills. The answer to this question depends on several factors, each of which can impact exactly how much money you are entitled to claim as a result of your crash. Here are some things to consider when faced with a hospital bill after a car crash.

Who was at fault for the accident? The person at fault, at least theoretically, is responsible for paying your hospital bills. However, that person may deny responsibility, his or her insurance company may deny the claim or the person may not have coverage. In that case, your own insurance company may have to pay the bill and pursue collection action against the at-fault party.

Was the other party insured? If the other driver was responsible for your accident, but did not have any insurance, your own uninsured motorist policy may pay your bills. However, you may have to pay a deductible and you may be faced with stalling on the part of your own insurance company.

Does the other party have assets I can use to pay my bills? Sometimes even uninsured drivers have other assets that can be used to pay your medical bills. However, seizing these assets may require you to file a personal injury lawsuit.

What If The At-Fault Party Refuses to Pay?

If the at-fault party or the party’s insurance company refuses to pay your medical bills, it is best to seek legal advice. In the meantime, you may be able to file a claim with your own insurance company to have your bills paid. However, if this happens, the insurer may subrogate the claim when the other party is forced to pay. This means that your insurance company may take some of the money you recover to repay the amount they forwarded for your medical bills.

There are several types of coverage that you may utilize in paying your hospital bills:

  • Your own health insurance. In some cases, your health coverage will pay your bills if you do not have other insurance.
  • Your uninsured motorist coverage. If you have a policy that pays for the actions of uninsured motorists, this coverage may pay for your treatment.
  • Your medical coverage rider to your car insurance policy. If you have personal injury protection or PIP on your policy, you may be able to use this money to pay your hospital bills.

If you have been the victim of a car crash, call a personal injury attorney immediately to protect your rights and fight for your expenses to be paid.