Law Clerk | Sacramento Law Firm Job Opportunity

Sacramento Law Firm Is Looking For Talented Law Students

The personal injury attorneys of Demas Law Group, P.C., are offering employment opportunities to outstanding law school students during the summer and school year. If you possess superior verbal and written communication skills, and are interested in gaining experience in a highly regarded law firm that helps people injured by the negligence of others, we invite you to apply for one of our Law Clerk positions.

Law Clerk Responsibilities

Law Clerk responsibilities include assisting lawyers in trial preparation, legal writing, legal research, medical record reviews, writing demand settlement brochures, and interviewing witnesses.

Law Clerks also have the opportunity to attend and assist in depositions and trials, mock trials, focus groups, motion practice sessions, facilitations, and case evaluations.

We strongly believe in our mentoring program, and we’ll guide you in becoming a superior personal injury lawyer, who practices with respect, honesty and excellence.

If you are interested in this position, please email your resume to:

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