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Where Do I Go if I Am Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in California

Where Do I Go if I Am Injured in a Motorcycle Accident?

Knowing what to do after a motorcycle accident in California is essential to claim the full compensation you’re entitled to from the at-fault party. Here, the personal injury attorneys at Demas Law Group explain what you should do to protect your health and legal rights if you or a loved one has been hurt. What […]


Traumatic Brain Injury Settlements & Verdicts

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can be debilitating. While mild to moderate damage can heal with adequate medical care, a severe TBI can cause permanent physical or mental impairments. You should take any brain injury seriously. And while seeking immediate medical treatment is crucial to your long-term health, working with an experienced personal injury attorney can […]

motorcycle accident lawyer

What Happens After a Fatal Motorcycle Crash

Losing a loved one in a motorcycle accident is a shocking and traumatic experience that can leave you with more questions than answers. Can you file a lawsuit? How does the process work? The Sacramento motorcycle injury attorneys at Demas Law Group can ease your mind and answer your questions in a free consultation. If […]

crime scene

Pedestrian Injuries & Fatalities

Car accidents involving pedestrians lead to catastrophic injuries and death far too often. Pedestrians have little protection and less time to react to oncoming vehicles, especially in busy areas. Even a small car traveling at a low speed can cause serious or fatal injuries due to the vast size difference between a vehicle and a […]

do I have a case 

Do I Have a Case?

Did you suffer an injury caused by someone else’s recklessness? In California, you could be entitled to compensation through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. But if you’re like most people, you’ve never had to file an injury claim before. That may leave you wondering, “Do I have a case?” Come discuss your situation […]

Pedestrian and car crashes Injury statistics

Pedestrians and Car Crashes: Injury Facts

Many Californians walk to get to work, run errands, stay in shape, and enjoy the outdoors. Unfortunately, traveling on foot has become increasingly dangerous. Hundreds of pedestrians in California are struck and killed by cars annually. Studies show that California ranks ninth in the United States for the number of pedestrians struck and killed by cars. Sacramento […]

boating accidents

What Should I Do After a Boating Accident?

Boating is a prized California pastime. The Sacramento area is home to stunning lakes and rivers for recreational boating and water sports. However, it’s important to remember that boating comes with risks. Even the most experienced and cautious boaters can suffer serious injuries if someone fails to act responsibly on the water. Individuals who suffer […]

spinal cord injuries

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Estimates suggest that 294,000 people live with a spinal cord injury in the U.S. today. More than 17,800 new cases are reported every year. Though every spinal cord injury is different, all can severely affect a patient’s health, wellbeing, and quality of life. At Demas Law Group, we understand how devastating a spinal cord injury […]

slipped and fell in a store

Can I Sue the Owners If I Slipped and Fell in a Store?

Did you get hurt in a slip-and-fall accident at a retail store? If so, you’re probably asking yourself several questions. When is a store liable for a customer injury? Should you sue the store or owner in a slip-and-fall case? These are great questions, but the answers aren’t always straightforward. Fortunately, an experienced lawyer from […]


Accident Experts Can Help Determine How a Car Accident Happened

To recover compensation after sustaining an injury in a Sacramento car accident, you must prove that someone else’s negligence caused the wreck. Determining liability is relatively straightforward in some cases. But when questions arise over how an accident happened or who is at fault, getting help from an accident reconstructionist may help clarify the facts […]
