Bicycle Accidents

Are Mandatory Bicycle Helmets in California’s Future?

California State Senator Carol Liu recently introduced a bill that would make it illegal for adult bicyclists to ride without a helmet. If the SB-192 bill passes, law enforcement officers will be able to issue tickets for up to $25 to riders not wearing proper head protection. The bill would also require bicyclists to wear […]

Roadway Hazards for Sacramento Bicyclists

Just like biking in nature, biking in cities can have many hazards. Even though the roads are paved, roadway hazards in the city can include potholes, malfunctioning traffic signals, road debris and even missing or fallen signs. Statistics show that the highest bicycle death rates can be found in adolescent groups, from 15-24 years of […]

New CA Cyclist Buffer Law

A new California law now requires drivers to allow 36 inches or three feet of space for all cyclists or face a citation and fine. The new law, AB 1371, was authored by Assemblyman Steven Bradford, D-Gardena, and has revised Vehicle Code Section 21760 to state that “A driver of a motor vehicle shall not […]

Sacramento Hit By Car on Bike

According to police reports, a 79-year-old Sacramento cyclist was hit by a 19-year-old driver who was heading eastbound near West Capitol Ave and Jefferson Blvd in a four-door car. The police have not determined the cause of the accident. One of the passengers stated the cyclist was heading the right way on the road before […]

Richard Aaron Leeper Killed in Carmichael

Pedestrian accident in memory of the residents of El Camino Avenue. He was killed when a vehicle struck him from behind as he traveled east on El Camino. According to the California Highway Patrol, Leeper was not wearing a helmet at the time of the crash and did not have any safety lights on his […]

Teen Girl Dies in Bicycle Crash

A state highway near Marysville became the scene of a tragic bicycle crash when 19-year-old Judith Hansen was struck by a car. Hansen died of her injuries when she was thrown from her bike after allegedly veering into traffic from the shoulder of the road. The teen was riding north on the side of Route […]
