Child Injury

Sacramento School Grounds or Danger Grounds?

Most people have a memory or two of being a kid and getting injured at school. Running too fast on the playground. Standing on furniture you shouldn’t. Or just horsing around till someone gets hurt. It’s a common scenario, one that our own children will play out at some point or another. But, if your […]

Do I Need to Buy a New Car Seat After a Crash?

When involved in a car accident you may wonder if you need to replace your child’s car seat. This is a tricky question that takes several factors into consideration. Oftentimes the answer is yes, you should replace the car seat. However, there are some instances in which you may not have to. Knowing When to […]

Are the School Zones in Sacramento Safe?

Driving dangerously in a school zone could result in a tragic accident. Motorists must slow down, watch for students, stop for buses, and drop off or pick up at designated carpool locations. Failure to follow traffic rules can have heartbreaking consequences and legal repercussions for the at-fault party. Did your child suffer injuries in a […]

“Where’s Your Baby?”

At one time, it was not unusual to see a mother or father leave children in the car while they ran into the store to pick up a few items. However, today’s society does not permit this kind of laid-back attitude when it comes to child safety. For one thing, today’s vehicles are equipped with […]

Helping Kids Cope with PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a collection of symptoms that follow exposure to a traumatic event. PTSD can result from a victim’s experiencing trauma directly or from simply witnessing a traumatic event. Experts estimate that PTSD occurs in up to 14 percent of the population as either a short-term response or a long-term, chronic […]

Study Reveals Troubling Statistics Regarding Use of Car Seats for Children

Some of the findings in this study included: Nearly half of all children under the age of five who were killed in crashes were not properly strapped into their car seats at the time. Proper installation and use of car seats reduced fatality rates for infants by a factor of 71 percent. The same proper […]

