Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian Killed by Sacramento Regional Transit Bus at Club Center Drive Intersection

A dangerous North Natomas intersection is the cause of yet another tragic traffic death in Sacramento. A pedestrian died after being struck by a Sacramento Regional Transit shuttle bus at the intersection of Club Center and Banfield drives on September 9. It is the same intersection where a grandfather died while bicycling just months earlier. […]

Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise at Night

According to the most recent data from the National Safety Council (NSC), approximately 75 percent of pedestrian fatalities occur at night. Why are night pedestrian accidents so common, and what legal rights do survivors have? The experienced legal team at Demas Law Group compiled the following guide to help you understand the relevant trends and […]

Pedestrian Injuries & Fatalities

Car accidents involving pedestrians lead to catastrophic injuries and death far too often. Pedestrians have little protection and less time to react to oncoming vehicles, especially in busy areas. Even a small car traveling at a low speed can cause serious or fatal injuries due to the vast size difference between a vehicle and a […]

Pedestrians and Car Crashes: Injury Facts

Many Californians walk to get to work, run errands, stay in shape, and enjoy the outdoors. Unfortunately, traveling on foot has become increasingly dangerous. Hundreds of pedestrians in California are struck and killed by cars annually. Studies show that California ranks ninth in the United States for the number of pedestrians struck and killed by cars. Sacramento […]

$1.25M Pre-Litigation Settlement in Auto v. Pedestrian Collision

DLG represented Jeff C. who was struck by a car in San Carlos, California. Despite an adverse finding of fault against the client in the police report, the case settled for $1,250,000 before a lawsuit was filed. Jeff C. needed help. The 43-year-old single dad and fitness enthusiast lay in a bed at the Stanford […]

Performance of Pedestrian Crash Prevention Varies by Make of Car

Every year, the National Highways Traffic Safety administration analyzes fatal injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents. The five factors contributing to pedestrian fatality data are population, light level, location, alcohol and other drugs, and vehicle type. Here at the Demas Law Group, P.C., we have examined the data surrounding the types of vehicles involved in […]

Pedestrian Accidents Reach All-Time High

The number of pedestrians killed by motor vehicles has reached an all-time high. According to a Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) report, an estimated 6,227 pedestrians were killed last year. That’s an increase of 250 from 2017 and the highest number in nearly 30 years. The study, which involved an analysis of data collected from […]

Pedestrian Deaths on the Rise in California

Many Americans get around by walking. Every week over 4 million people walk to work, and people throughout American walk for transportation and health. Walking is usually one of the safest ways to get around, but in some areas, walking can be deadly. When a car strikes a pedestrian, injury or death is a near […]

Elderly Pedestrian Killed by Vehicle

According to recent reports, Sacramento police officers received reports of a man lying on Meadowview Road near the corner of 21st Street. When officers arrived at the scene they found that the man had already been hit by at least two vehicles and had been dragged for over one mile by the last car. According […]

Sutter County Crash Kills Pedestrian

A crash on Highway 99 took the life of a woman who was apparently walking on the road. Oscar Miranda, 34, of Live Oak, was driving north on Highway 99 in a 2001 Chevrolet when he suddenly saw a woman on the side of the road. He veered left to avoid hitting her, but the […]

