Every single day, many Californians hit the road without automobile insurance. In fact, roughly 1 in every 8 drivers has little to no insurance. The reasons for this are varied: some can’t afford it, some don’t understand it, and some simply can’t get it. Whatever the case may be, these uncovered individuals pose a certain danger for nearby motorists and pedestrians. No insurance policy means zero payment to individuals who have been hurt by a driver’s negligence.
Some would argue that there is always a way to obtain damages from the at-fault driver. But the fact is, if the person lacks insurance, there is a good chance they will lack the immediate funds to compensate their victims. So that leaves the injured party with one glaring question – what can I do?
Fortunately, most insured individuals do have options when it comes to such situations. You may not be able to collect from the negligent driver, but you could obtain compensation from your own insurance. This requires a bit of forethought and betting the odds. In the state of California, motorists and pedestrians can purchase uninsured or under insured coverage in the event such an individual hits them. When their lack of insurance is realized, the policy would kick in, covering any damages suffered.
Keep in mind, however, that while your insurance company will provide the necessary coverage, per your policy, they will attempt to keep it as low as possible. Remember – insurance companies are out for their bottom line, which means they will do everything they can to keep your settlement down. But the attorneys at Demas Law Group, P.C., have dealt with these kinds of policies for years and we know the best strategy to get you the recovery you deserve. For more information, contact our office today. We can be reached at (916) 444-0100.