$2,500,000: Jury Verdict – Wrongful Death Case / Trucking Accident

Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death

John N. Demas represented the two sisters (Rosa S. & Leticia H.) in a wrongful death case. The case arose from a motor-vehicle collision on Highway 12 in Tuolumne County. The driver of the vehicle was Pedro H., 76. His wife, Mrs. H., was a passenger. The vehicle was traveling east-bound on Highway 12 when a tractor-trailer rig, operated by an employee of Diestel Turkey Ranch, pulled out of a Diestel farm and turned right on Highway 12. Pedro H.’s vehicle struck the left side of the tractor-trailer rig. The impact killed Mrs. H. and seriously injured Pedro H. Six months later, Pedro H. died of a heart attack. After a three-week trial and five days of deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of over $2,500,000 for Leticia and Rosa, and found Diestel and its driver 70% at fault for causing the collision. This was a record-breaking verdict in Tuolumne County.
