$500,000 (Policy Limits): Auto Accident / Wrist Fracture

Car Accidents

Client: Nicole T; County: Sacramento

Nicole was a 23-year-old woman who was injured when a reckless driver made a left turn directly in front of her. Nicole’s only injury was to her left wrist. When her airbag activated, it struck Nicole’s left hand, fracturing her wrist at two different locations. Nicole was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and underwent two surgeries to her wrist, involving the placement of hardware to stabilize her hand and wrist. The surgeries were successful, and Nicole was able to regain nearly all of her range of motion.

Because Nicole recovered so well, her family thought she may not need an attorney. However, Mr. Demas explained to the family that this was an injury that was going to have a life-long impact on Nicole and the quality of her life. To make this case to the insurance company, Mr. Demas spent hours talking to Nicole about what she enjoyed doing and how her injury affected her. Ultimately, Mr. Demas put together a detailed and powerful settlement demand package and asked for the entirety of the defendant’s policy limits. Within two weeks of receiving Mr. Demas’ demand, the insurance company offered their maximum policy limit of $500,000. Nicole and her family were thrilled with the outcome of the case.
