$5,475,000: Mediated Settlement – Motor Vehicle Collision

Car Accidents

Our client, Ken H., was seriously injured in a car collision in Sacramento County.When the accident occurred, Ken had just entered an intersection on a green light and was hit on the driver’s side by a woman driving a company car. The impact was significant. Ken was unconscious at the scene and was rushed to the emergency room. At the hospital, he was diagnosed with a head injury and a fracture in his neck vertebrae that required surgery. At the time of the collision, Ken was an extremely active 75-year-old man who raced motorcycles and worked part-time. This accident significantly impacted his health and quality of life.

Immediately after Ken’s family contacted us, we began investigating the collision and retained a team of experts, including an accident reconstruction expert, a biomechanical specialist, and a private investigator. We were able to locate the “black box” of the defendant’s vehicle, despite being told that the vehicle had been destroyed. The data from that box proved that the driver was traveling at 45 miles per hour when she collided with Ken H, while witness statements showed that she had also ran the red light prior to the collision. With the help of our experts, we were also able to show that although Ken was not wearing his seatbelt, he would not have suffered lesser injuries had he been restrained. To estimate the future impact of Ken’s injuries on his health, quality of life, and finances, we also retained a team of medical specialists– including one of the best head-injury doctors in the country–a rehabilitation consultant, and an economist.

The case was litigated extensively, and a mediation was eventually set. In preparation for the mediation, we conducted interviews of witnesses, friends and family, videotaped the collision scene and edited home videos to prepare a settlement DVD. The DVD thoroughly covered all of the issues surrounding the accident and Ken H.’s injuries and was instrumental in the success of the mediation process. Ken’s portion of the case settled for $5,475,000, an amount the mediator believed is the largest settlement in Sacramento County involving an injured 76-year-old plaintiff.
