Green Apple
Award Program

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What Is the Green Apple Award Program?

A weak economy and decreased school budgets have forced teachers to spend more of their own earnings to continue making their classroom an enriching environment. Teachers in the United States spent more than $1.33 billion out of pocket on supplies and instructional materials in the 2010-2011 school year alone.

In response to this reality, Demas Law Group, P.C., created the “Green Apple Award Program” (GAAP) to recognize our local public school teachers for their commitment, and to ease the financial burden they may face in providing supplies for their classrooms.

Nominate a Teacher

How Does the Green Apple Award Program Work?

  • Each month during the school year, one teacher from a Sacramento, Yolo, Placer, and El Dorado County public school is selected through a nomination process to receive the “Green Apple Award”, which is a $250 OfficeMax gift for use on classroom supplies.
  • Exceptional teachers can be nominated by friends, colleagues, administrators, parents, and students.
  • Nominations can be submitted online here.
  • Winners and their principals are notified via mail and email.
  • Teachers are eligible to win only once per school year.

$250 Office Max Gift Card Awarded Each Month to A Public School Teacher in California

Nominate a Teacher Today!
