Common Causes of Bicycle Accidents in Sacramento, CA

Bicycle accidents happen all too frequently in California, with terrible consequences. And because cyclists are afforded little protection from bigger, heavier motor vehicles, the injuries they suffer can be physically and financially devastating. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), California had the second-highest number of bicycle accident fatalities in a recent year.

While there’s no one single cause of bicycle accidents, many crashes are caused by reckless and inattentive motorists. If you suffered injuries in a bike accident caused by a negligent driver, a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can help you pursue compensation for your losses.

The California bicycle accident lawyers at Demas Law Group have more than 25 years of experience handling personal injury cases just like yours. Contact our office today for a free consultation with a member of our team.

Top Causes of Cycling Accidents

Some of the most common causes of bicycle accidents in California include:

Failure to Respect Cyclists’ Right-of-Way

California traffic laws say that bicyclists are considered vehicles and are entitled to the same rights as all other road users. Unfortunately, many motorists either don’t know the law or treat cyclists like they don’t belong on the streets alongside them.

Examples of failing to respect cyclists’ right-of-way include:

  • Following too closely
  • Not being careful when passing bikes
  • Failing to watch for cyclists when turning, merging, or changing lanes
  • Failing to yield to cyclists at stop signs, traffic lights, and other traffic control devices

Driving Too Close to a Bicycle in Traffic

Bicycle AccidentIt doesn’t take much force for a vehicle to injure a cyclist or eject them from their bicycle. By design, a bike just can’t provide the same shield from impact the way a car can. That’s why California law requires drivers to give bicyclists at least three feet of space when driving near or overtaking them.

Accidents are inevitable when motorists drive too closely to bicyclists. Even a slight nudge from a motor vehicle is enough to cause a cyclist to lose control or get thrown onto the pavement. Giving cyclists adequate space reduces the risk of these types of accidental impacts.

However, direct contact between a motor vehicle and a bicycle isn’t the only way for a driver to cause an accident. The sight and sound of a car passing within inches of them can cause a cyclist to swerve or otherwise lose control, resulting in a crash.


Speeding is one of the most common causes of cycling accidents in California for several reasons.

First, speeding drivers have a harder time maintaining control of their vehicles than drivers who follow the posted speed limit. This makes them more prone to making catastrophic mistakes that lead to a car crash with a bike.

Second, speeding drivers have a smaller margin for error if they do make a mistake. The faster a vehicle moves, the less time and space the driver has to react to a sudden emergency or hazard.

A third reason speeding places cyclists in danger is due to the fundamental laws of physics. The faster an object is moving, the more force it imparts in a collision. Speeding vehicles hit cyclists with more power than vehicles traveling at or below the speed limit. Without fail, high-speed collisions result in more severe injuries.

Distracted Driving

It only takes a split second of inattention for a motorist to collide with a bicycle. Examples of distracted driving that could lead to a bike crash include:

  • Talking on a cellphone
  • Texting while driving
  • Snacking
  • Looking at a navigation device
  • Adjusting in-vehicle controls
  • Daydreaming
  • Talking to passengers
  • Unruly pets

At 55 miles per hour, a distracted driver can travel the length of a football field in the time it takes to read a text message. Even at slower speeds, a momentary distraction is enough for a motorist to do serious damage to a bicyclist whose only safety protection might be a helmet.

Carelessness on Sidewalks, Driveways, and in Parking Lots

California law states that cyclists should generally ride in normal traffic lanes or designated bicycle lanes. But when the alternative is sharing congested roadways with drivers traveling at deadly speeds, many bicyclists are understandably tempted to ride on sidewalks instead.

Individual counties and cities make their own rules about biking on sidewalks. Cyclists who ride on sidewalks should be careful not to go too fast and give an audible signal when passing pedestrians to reduce the likelihood of a collision.

Motorists also sometimes cause bicycle accidents in areas that aren’t roadways. Drivers should always be careful to check for cyclists when exiting driveways and take extra precautions when driving through parking lots, where cyclists have no option but to share space with motor vehicles.

Tips to Prevent a Bicycle Accident

Bicyclists and drivers should both be on guard to avoid potential crashes. Here are a few tips for preventing bicycle accidents:

What Drivers Can Do to Avoid Hitting Cyclists

  • Minimize distractions.
  • Never drive while impaired.
  • Follow posted speed limits.
  • Be watchful at intersections and near crosswalks.
  • Respect cyclists’ right-of-way.

What Cyclists Can Do to Protect Themselves

  • Ride in designated bicycle lanes when possible.
  • Wear a helmet.
  • Wear reflective clothing and use other safety equipment when riding at night.
  • Use proper hand signals when preparing to make a turn.
  • Dismount when crossing at a crosswalk.
  • Minimize distractions.
  • Don’t ride while wearing earbuds.
  • Avoid riding while intoxicated.

When Can I File a Bicycle Accident Claim?

If another driver’s negligence caused your crash, you could have a valid cycling injury claim in California. A skilled bicycle accident lawyer can review the facts of your claim to determine who should be held liable for the crash, place an appropriate value on the case, and negotiate for maximum compensation from the insurance company.

Contact a Bicycle Accident Attorney Today

As a cyclist in California, you have the right to ride without fear. The Sacramento bicycle accident lawyers at Demas Law Group have the knowledge and resources to help you seek fair compensation after a severe bicycle crash. Call or contact us today for a free case evaluation.



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