Can A Teenager Drive With Other Minors in California?

Teen Driver and Other Teen Passengers

California law, specifically driving laws for 16-year-olds and 17-year-old driving restrictions in California, is very specific about what teen driving and what they are allowed to do behind the wheel. Teenagers have different rules than other drivers, including who can ride with them, and at what times. At 16, can you drive alone? In California, only under specific conditions, as the law imposes restrictions based on studies. These restrictions are based on studies that show that teenagers are more likely to engage in risky behavior such as using a cell phone, texting, social media, or suffer from ADHD– especially with other teen passengers in the car. To obtain a driver’s license, teenagers must have the signature of a parent or guardian guaranteeing that they will comply with all rules and regulations. They must also pass vision, driving test, traffic laws, and signs tests. Furthermore, completion of a driver training course with a certified driving instructor is required.

Why Specific Laws for Teenagers?

There’s a reason why teenagers have specific California licensed driver laws. Statistics from the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show that motor vehicle crashes are the leading killer of teenagers in America. If you have any questions about restricted license California rules or teenage driving laws, don’t hesitate to contact our Sacramento car accident attorneys. We’ve helped many families affected by car accidents involving teen drivers.

Contact us today to learn more. We can be reached at (916) 764-3059.

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California Laws About Teenage Drivers

Teenagers under 18 in Sacramento must comply with the following rules while they are driving:

  • To transport passengers under 20 years of age, they must be accompanied at all times by a parent, guardian, or California-licensed driver over 25 years of age for the first twelve months (i.e. with a restricted license).
  • Those with a provisional license must be accompanied by an adult when driving between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m.
  • They cannot be employed as drivers of motor vehicles.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are some exceptions to these rules. For example, when reasonable transportation is not available and an emergency arises, the law allows teenagers to drive or to transport someone unsupervised. There are situations in which teens may drive in non-emergency contexts if they meet certain exception requirements. However, if an exception is necessary, the law requires that the minor carry a signed note explaining the necessity for the teen to drive and the dates that this necessity is in effect.

Under those circumstances, teens may drive:

  • With medical necessity and a note signed by a physician. An example might be when a teen must drive themselves to regular doctor or therapy appointments.
  • A school-authorized activity with the signature of a school official.
  • For employment purposes with a note signed by the employer verifying conditions of employment.
  • To transport an immediate family member when no other transportation is available with a note signed by a parent or legal guardian.

Under these exceptions to the general rule, teenagers under 18 with a graduated driver’s license for less than a year still may not transport other teenagers. The only times that a teenager under 18 years of age can drive with other teenagers in the car is if there is an adult present, or if the teenager has obtained a full “adult” driver’s license from the state with no restrictions.

Teen Driving Laws
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What Happens If a Teenager Drives With Other Teens in Sacramento?

In most cases, a teenager who is pulled over and is violating these laws will lose their driver’s license for a period of time. This situation can become more complicated if a teenager was breaking the law and caused a vehicle crash that injured other people. Although parents are required to sign statements saying that they accept responsibility for the involving teen, it is not always the case that they maintain the right insurance coverage. In those instances, it is important for the person who is injured by a teenage driver to consult with a Sacramento personal injury attorney.

Contact Sacramento Auto Accident Attorney Today

A Sacramento auto accident attorney may be able to help the victim recover damages through a lawsuit against the driver, the parents, the insurance company, and others who may be responsible for any car accident. Demas Law Group, P.C., is ready to help you hold a teenage driver, their parents, and their insurance responsible for your injuries and property damage.

You can reach us at (916) 764-3059.This literature may be considered attorney advertising or an offer of professional services, according to rule 1-400 Rules of Professional Conduct by the State Bar of California. The information does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your potential legal matter.



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