Sacramento General Negligence Attorneys

Types of Legal Negligence Cases

After years of handling cases involving negligence, Demas Law Group, P.C., negligence lawyers understand that there is probably no limit to the ways in which people can hurt each other through carelessness and poor judgment. Sometimes, negligence results in very minor accidents that cause small injuries, but in other cases thoughtlessness, carelessness, or inattention to detail can cause someone else to get seriously injured or lose his or her life.

Negligence is defined as something that someone does wrong that causes another person to get hurt. Negligence is rarely intentional; in most cases, someone does not mean to hurt another person, but fails to take the proper precautions to prevent an accident in Sacramento. When that accident occurs and someone else is harmed, it is important that the victim has the right to collect damages based on the negligence of the responsible party.

Common Causes of Legal Negligence

Because negligence is so universal, it is hard to form a definitive explanation of all the possible types of negligence that cause accidents. Here are a few examples:

  • A driver fails to yield at a stop light, ramming into a car that has the right-of-way and causing injury to the passengers.
  • A manufacturer puts out a faulty product that, when used as intended, causes injury to a victim.
  • A worker is operating a piece of machinery in an unsafe manner and causes a co-worker or an innocent bystander to be injured.
  • A company fails to maintain proper maintenance of its property and, as a result, a gas leak causes a deadly explosion.
  • A warehouse fails to provide proper security for its workers, who are subjected to injury when someone enters the building unauthorized and harms employees.
  • A supervisor fails to provide proper oversight for employees, resulting in an injury.
  • A company fails to provide proper training for its drivers, resulting in one of them causing an accident that injures an innocent party.
  • A company fails to provide proper background checks for employees, and an employee with a previous criminal history commits an assault against another party.

It is hard to say exactly how much damage an act of negligence can cause. Some negligence has very minor consequences, while a small act may lead to injury or even death of another person. From massive fires and explosions to simple slip-and-fall cases, the severity of injuries is not necessarily related to the seriousness of the initial act.

How Can I Collect Damages For Negligence In Sacramento?

A person who has been injured is known as the “plaintiff” in a lawsuit, and must prove that the party who is at fault, or the “defendant,” caused the injuries through negligence in order to collect damages. In order to prove this, the plaintiff must show:

  • The defendant owed a legal duty of care to the plaintiff;
  • The defendant breached that legal duty through an action or a failure to act;
  • The defendant caused the accident or injury; and
  • The plaintiff was harmed or injured as a result of the accident.

This will always be the basis for determining fault, whether the case is settled out of court or goes to trial. Therefore, it is important for the victim to have an advocate that can clearly state the connection between the defendant’s actions and the plaintiff’s injuries.

Contact a General Negligence Lawyer in Sacramento Today!

The Sacramento attorneys at Demas Law Group, P.C., are ready to help you if you were injured due to someone else’s negligence. Even if you are not sure if someone else is responsible for your injuries, talk to one of our compassionate, caring attorneys who understand the trauma, both physical and emotional, that you have suffered. At Demas Law Group, P.C., we are dedicated to holding those who have caused your injuries responsible and collecting financial compensation for you whenever possible. Contact us today.

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