Personal Injury Mediation

One of the biggest hindrances to legal action is the fear of a long, drawn-out and expensive court battle that ends up locked in a stalemate. While these scenarios are far from the norm in personal injury cases, it is important to understand that there are a number of options for reaching a positive outcome. If you are considering pursuing a personal injury claim or are stuck in a deadlock, mediation may be the right course of action.
The attorneys at Demas Law Group, P.C., bring a wealth of experience and a thorough understanding of personal injury law to every case we mediate. Whether you have been hurt in an auto accident, by a defective product or while on a hazardous property, you can get the financial compensation you deserve through mediation. Call (916) 764-3059 to learn more.

What Is Personal Injury Mediation?

Essentially, mediation is a form of dispute resolution that involves the injured party and his or her attorney, the opposing party’s insurance adjuster, and a mediator. In some cases, the opposing party and his or her attorney may also be involved. The process is voluntary and relatively informal, with the sole purpose of reaching a settlement that both sides can agree upon without going to trial. The mediator does not evaluate the terms of the case; rather, s/he simply helps each party reach a compromise.

What Are The Advantages Of Mediation in Personal Injury Settlement?

Depending on the circumstances, mediation allows both parties to reach a settlement in less time for less money. Unlike traditional litigation, which may require multiple court dates over the course of a year or more, it is possible to settle a dispute in a matter of hours. Additional advantages to mediation include:

  • Confidentiality – Anything said during mediation is private and cannot be used later on if the case goes to trial.
  • Quicker Recovery – Once a case is settled, the insurance company will provide the settlement within two to three weeks.
  • Final Resolution – A guaranteed agreement eliminates the stress and uncertainty that often accompanies the latter stages of a lawsuit.
  • Open Communication – Both sides can take an active role in telling their side of the story and diffusing tension or misunderstandings.
  • Creative Solutions – The outcome will depend on the unique circumstances and the solutions that each party can bring to the table.

The most important factor in mediation is that both parties are willing to cooperate and have realistic expectations about the outcome. Mediation may not be a suitable avenue for every personal injury case and a lawsuit may still follow; however, there are benefits to pursuing mediation before continuing to trial. A legal representative can help you weigh your options and make an informed decision about which action to take.

Call the Personal Injury Mediators at Demas Law Group P.C.

For well over two decades, the compassionate and skilled lawyers at the Demas Law Group. P.C., has helped injured victims get back on the road to recovery as soon as possible. We take a cost-effective approach to serving our clients and offer a contingency fee option – if we do not obtain a settlement on your behalf, we do not charge you a dime. Contact us without delay.

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Demas Law Group, P.C. – Sacramento Personal Injury Attorney



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